In January 2024, we launched our Vision and Values – The 4 Site Way. These were based on real words and sentiments, which were been contributed by our people and our clients, about our unique way of thinking, working and engaging with others to create a great place where people enjoy working and where they are able to give their best to all the people around them. The Vision formed the company’s guiding principle for making long-term decisions, and is the roadmap to our future.
Having put our Vision and Values, people and structure first, as the bedrock of 4 Site Security, we understood that this solid foundation would lead to growth in the right direction for our business.
As a result, our Services team have seen a fantastic growth over the year with a 26.61% turnover increase, compared to 8.36% and 5.67% in the two previous years.
Our Systems team, which was created early in 2016 as a department of four, quickly became SSAIB Accredited and in 2022, achieved BAFE accreditation. We are proud that we achieved a 27.38% growth over the last year, increasing the number of sites and maintained and non-maintained systems.
As we successfully overachieved our target for both Services and Systems, we will aim to consolidate and strengthen again next year with an average turnover increase of 26.82%.